Starve it of oxygen and never let it see the light of day. Remove all the fear and inhibition it breeds. You must let your hunger for success, in all areas of your life, out-wrestle your Little Bitch, making it obedient to your hunger for success.
You get sputtering little sparks, maybe even a short-lived flame, but no fire. Your hunger and drive must be blazing so big, so bright, and so furious that no one can deny it. You must crave success so intensely that the work it takes to attain it is irrelevant. Fall in love with the work itself, not just the result. Learn to enjoy the excruciating pain, you must endure to be successful.
You have to create a work ethic that ensures you become successful. Put in the work to ensure your success. People are always asking me about the secrets and growth hacks I use to grow businesses.
Sorry if this disappoints you, but there are no secrets. Yes, there are strategies, tactics, and levers you can pull to unlock serious growth in your business — however, they all require you to put in the work to make them work. The only qualification that I would add is you have to work hard on what gets results. Love the work itself, but set goals and demand results from yourself. Plan for progress and achieve it. Instead of looking for get-rich-quick-schemes, secrets, hacks, magic pills, or silver bullets, roll up your sleeves and get ready to do the work.
Take an honest look at where you are now and where you want to be. What fire are you willing to walk through? How much pain are you willing to tolerate? Then make a plan to get there, act on it, and do whatever it takes. Your job is to be the best entrepreneur and business person you can be. To do that you have to train and practise to master your craft, continually learning and getting better at the activities that really move the needle for your business. You want to train and level-up your abilities as much as you can, as often as you can.
So, I want you to imagine this scenario: There is one business owner who wakes up at 8am, has breakfast and gets to work at am, answers emails, manages some admin, and begins to work on important activities by 11am. He goes to lunch and is back in the office at pm. His focus turns back to the important activities, and it takes fifteen minutes to get back in the zone and start to focus. He gets stuck on a call with a client, vendor, or manager. A few more emails have come through, along with a handful of messages on office chat.
Add it up: over the entire day, his actual productive time spent creating value for himself and his company was two hours.
Now imagine another entrepreneur who wakes up at 4am. He heads to the gym, listening to an audiobook on his minute commute, levelling-up and feeding his brain with new information. He completes a minute workout, then a sauna session to get in peak state keeping the mind sharp for the day ahead.
He showers and heads to the office, again listening to an audiobook, gaining insights, arriving at the office at 7am. He dives straight into deep work on the activities that really matter. No checking emails, no distractions, just laser-like focus on the task at hand. He stops for 20 minutes to have a packed breakfast and grab a coffee. He has a healthy lunch and turns off the brain to recover and decompress.
Writing sales letters, coming up with new offers, creating new products, forming new strategic partnerships — whatever they might be. Again, audiobook on, constantly feeding the brain. Arriving home to play with the kids, bathe them, have dinner. Reading for an hour and a half, again training. Six hours of deep work. Two hours and 45 minutes of training and sharpening the axe.
This adds up to eight hours and 45 minutes of work directed at becoming a master each day — more than three times the other entrepreneur. As he keeps working, the years go on and the advantage he has over his competitors just gets wider and wider.
As entrepreneurs, and as people in general, if you want to become truly great at something, there is a choice we have to make. You have to make the inherent sacrifices that come along with it, including hanging out with friends or watching the game on the telly. If you want to be a master at your craft, you have to make sacrifices. Nor is there anyone coming to save you. If you follow the principles outlined in this book and do the work, you will be successful — beyond your wildest dreams.
But like anything worth attaining, it requires a lot of work and dedication. Are you hungry for it? Willing to put the work in? Fired up? I thought so! Half a million dollars. People selling the false dream of living on the beach, working an hour a day, and living the high life off a stream of passive income. None of that stuff worked. None of it. It was after burning through all that cash I decided to dedicate my time to studying people who had had real successes.
Masters of advertising, with actual, bankable results across multiple industries, spanning decades of success. I dedicated myself to studying all the greats from the past years. These guys quietly worked in the background to generate billions of dollars in revenue, often turning tiny businesses into huge household names that are still around today. For example, Robert Collier was a 20th-century American author of self-help and New Thought metaphysical books.
His book The Secret of the Ages, published in , sold over , copies during his life. Much of what he taught about the art and science of selling are still true today. I read every book on human psychology I could find.
I went deep — like, really deep. What I learned from them completely changed the way I approached business. From where am I sending the elevator back down? Long-term strategies you can literally base your business off. Sadly, today there seems to be an unspoken belief that the most important element behind profitable marketing is simply having the latest software with all the bells and whistles.
The latest landing page builder, CRM software, webinar automation tool, one-page shopping cart checkout system… or a super slick sales funnel. Which is better WordPress or ClickFunnels? How many follow up emails should I have in my funnel? Why not? Because you can have the most advanced technology, tools, and sales funnel with all the fancy bells, whistles, and advanced marketing automation that delivers a lame vanilla offer your prospects simply ignore!
In the following pages, I will teach you how to do all this and more. As your business scales and revenues climb, and you have multiple traffic channels bringing in sales, you can let other people do most of the day-today selling.
While it might seem obvious, I realised that nobody cared about me, my product, or anything else I was babbling about on the phone. They cared only about themselves! I realised then and there that my pitch had to only be about how I could benefit them. I stopped talking about our company, our products, our services, our mission, or even the name of our company.
I quickly found the more the call focused on solving their problem, the more sales I made. Once I partnered this with my single parent mother work ethic, I was like a dog on the back of a meat truck. I was relentless.
The Graduation After working in this direct sales environment for companies large and small across the world for the better half of a decade, I had a realisation. I realised no matter how good I got, there were only so many hours in a day. Only so many calls I could make. My income was limited by the clock.
It was at this stage I fell down the rabbit hole of direct response marketing and measured-results marketing. And so, I transitioned from selling one-toone to selling one-to-many.
I applied my master salesmanship skills to print, audio, video, and other assets I could leverage to multiply those salesmanship skills. And instead of personally making calls per day, I wrote ads that could call on , people per day! It was a quantum shift and a completely different dynamic, an incredibly powerful one where there was no limit to the impact of a sales message.
The ability to write ads and marketing messages that sell is by far the most lethal money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire. If you master this skill, you should never again have to worry about money. The ability to write a sales message that brings in new customers on a profitable basis, consistently and predicably, is the rarest skill on Earth. And, if you can do it — I mean really do it — you can virtually write your own ticket. You can make great money selling one-to-one.
As we know, there are only so many hours in a day, only so many calls you can make, only so many doors you can knock. I look at my sales message as being my salesman soldier.
I look at Google Ads, Facebook ads, and radio and YouTube ads as the delivery vehicles I use to deploy that salesman soldier and deliver my message automatically without me having to exert more effort the more times I deliver it. The reality is that the technology of delivering that sales pitch will be forever changing. The way you deliver your sales message may change abruptly and radically.
Yet what you put into that message will always be based on the classic tools of world-class salesmanship and human psychology. Listen carefully: You can always hire people to deliver the work, set up the technology, do your company accounts and tax returns.
Good advertising is simply a sales pitch. Or better put, salesmanship multiplied. Your advertisement and sales message should act like an army of tiny salesmen soldiers. And they should go forth, regardless of the delivery medium, and deliver a concert pitch. Think about it this way — if you had a chance to make a second sales pitch 80, times to 80, prospects, what would you say to them during those 60 seconds to give the most compelling information, build the most desire, make the best case, and reduce the risk for them to take the next step?
What would you say? If you were right there in person, in front of your dream buyer? I hope not! Sadly, most advertising you see and hear is weak and vague.
It would be taken hostage and eaten alive by the money-multiplying soldiers described above. This situation is true for any medium. Your ads should make a red-hot pitch for your product or service in the same way as a salesperson would in a face-to-face selling situation.
Look at your ads. If you were talking live to a hot prospect, your dream buyer, would you say the same thing your current advertising says to convince them to buy from you? When somebody is considering buying something, the one thing they want is information — useful, helpful, no-nonsense information.
The more information you can give them in your ads, the better your chance to generate an action. Can I hire you to get me more traffic? The latest Facebook ad tactics to increase their click-through rate Just like milk, bread, or a pack of Tim Tams. If you want to buy groceries, you go to a supermarket. And if you want to buy traffic, you go to a traffic supermarket. Just like a supermarket where you can go and buy as many groceries as you want or can afford, you can also go to a traffic supermarket and buy as many website visitors as you want or need.
Literally, as many as you can handle! Never have businesses had such instant access to millions of consumers within minutes. Now, when it comes to traffic, there are only two names worth mentioning. You can think of them as the Woolworths and Coles of the online traffic world. They are Google and Facebook. Get this: On Google, people make 3.
As for Facebook, there are over 16 million active users in Australia alone. You can have a Google Ads account set up and running in under 30 minutes, giving you access to literally millions or billions of people within hours. Or you could set up a Facebook Ad campaign in a couple of hours and have access to the 1.
They have a conversion problem. When you really think about it, this traffic complaint makes zero sense. The real issue here is not in buying traffic. Anyone with an internet connection and a credit card can do that. The real issue is converting that traffic into actual sales using a system based on unit economics that makes buying traffic profitable and selfliquidating. Meaning it pays for itself like a modern-day golden goose. You see, the most dependable and predictable way to grow sales and generate wealth is to turn advertising into profit.
However, generating a return on investment from paid advertising is like pulling a lever and having cash drop into your account. A Wiser Investment Than Savings, Stocks, Or Real Estate I nstead of relying on luck to deliver you customers and cash injections when you need them, you must do what billionaires do.
Invest in assets and get returns on those assets. In other words, they maximise and leverage money to make more money. And think about this More on why this is important in just a moment. First, let me ask you this: What are some of the ways you could try and leverage your money? And what kind of returns could you get? So, what about stocks and bonds? A recent report by the Australian Stock Exchange showed that over the last 30 years, Australian shares have produced a 9.
There are a lot of people making a ton of money from real estate and property investment, right? Well, real estate investment has yielded an average annual return of Not very inspiring. Or more specifically in their case In this case, we were generating leads for a business. It was a step application asking all types of information, resulting in super qualified buyers.
And they got 2, leads. Again, this is insane ROI! One last example. Anyway, I think you get the point. And those were just examples of Facebook Ads. You see… Advertising is an investment that makes more money than anything else. Because when done properly, advertising can make you money almost immediately. Just like billionaires who leverage money to make more money, you can also multiply your money by attracting high- value clients through smart investing in paid advertising.
So, the big question is, how much should you invest in advertising for your business? In some cases, it may even make sense to borrow cash to invest in marketing, as you have essentially created a money-printing machine. And why would you limit yourself to how much you should spend? Buckle up, take notes, and enjoy! Why would they keep these hidden from you? The answer is simple. Or are too lazy to implement them. Nor is it all about the latest sales funnel software or Google hack that will open the floodgate to free traffic.
The reality is that competition online is at an all-time high. With the rising cost per click in Google Ads, or the competition with SEO and Facebook ads, the online marketplace is so fiercely competitive that you must have a solid strategy to convert traffic into actual leads, customers, and revenue.
The Larger Market Formula One of the secrets to skyrocketing sales is by appealing to a larger market. Can you give it to me chilled? But the more they know, the more likely they are to buy. To do this, your message must be powerful, insightful, and educationbased, and not simply a promotional piece about your company.
They want you to help them. They start pursuing you or calling you to enquire about your products and services. We go deeper into this later in the book, but… The key is to install a system that: Attracts Educates Nurtures Gets prospects to act! This is vitally important for any business looking to grow rapidly and consistently. Your systems — not you — are doing the grunt work in educating prospects, following them up, and delivering content that educates.
Do this using a High-Value Content Offer, i. Take your best sales pitch or frequently asked questions and turn them into assets that nurture prospects on autopilot. Position your solution as the obvious choice. This technique shifts a prospect up each stage of the pyramid over a period of a few weeks. When it comes to acquiring new customers, the most basic starting point is understanding who they are. When you understand this, you can tailor your marketing message directly for your audience.
Many businesses fall into the trap of believing they know who their customers are. They acquire rudimentary data such as their gender, age, and perhaps even their location, and stop right there.
This is a big mistake, because knowing them intimately can make the difference between winning and losing. For your message to stand out from the crowd and really win customers, you must go deeper. Much deeper. You must delve into their fears, hopes, wishes, and dreams.
You need to move beyond the obvious and work out how your audience thinks, feels, and acts. Because the Pareto Principle is exponential! Let me explain. Because they have the power to make you filthy rich! Not just the usual stuff like age, gender, location, what products or services they enquired about, and how they found you or what channel they came in from although you want to know that too. You need to know them much more intimately. You must be obsessed with their passions, dreams, fears, and desires.
Getting to know all this crucial detail is what we call The Halo Strategy. Start with the obvious data including age, location, and education level. In addition to this, you then need to look at what products or services they enquired about and how they found you or what channel they came in from. All you need to get started is two or three major keywords or search phrases around your products or services.
Go wherever your audience hangs out and congregates. Look at what your audience is saying and feeling. What are they happy with?
What are they unhappy with? Look at their concerns and questions. Notice any themes? Are they banging their head against the wall on the same issue over and over? Find the gaps or shortcomings in the products or services already out there. This gap is your winning ticket and a way for you to tap into the hearts and minds of your audience. This tool is one of the best-kept secrets in the sales and marketing industry, and it will give you invaluable insight into what your customers are thinking.
At AnswerThePublic, you type in your keyword or search phrase and the tool generates a diagram of related searches. And once you know their questions and issues, you can provide the solution. Read on to learn how to get the best out of this tool. What questions to ask homebuilder this one is great! What is owner builders home warranty insurance? Which homebuilder to choose? These are the questions most prospects have when thinking about engaging a homebuilder.
Other great places to look are Facebook Groups and pages around your market and niche. These are goldmines for valuable information. You can simply look at the most popular ones and read what the market is discussing and thinking about. Another incredible source for market intel is to look at threads on Reddit and question platform website, Quora.
These are like walking into a golden palace of customer insight and eavesdropping on thousands of conversations that are taking place behind closed doors about your market. Creating Your Dream Buyer Avatar Knowing your dream buyer changes everything — your product and service offering, your marketing strategy, value proposition, pricing, tone of your copy, what channels you advertise on, and more. If your business is going to compete with the big guys, you have to zero in on your dream buyer.
Some say that their target is business owners, homeowners, property investors, or mothers. Specificity is key. The purpose of going after a dream buyer is to focus your message and marketing budget on whichever market is most likely to buy your products, as well as those prospects who would be your dream customers.
Focusing on your dream buyer brings clarity to your marketing message, and your copy becomes sharp and hard like the tip of a spear that cuts through the noise in your marketplace, which ultimately leads to a more profitable business.
Landing page builder software changes. Algorithms change. Tactics change. But the fundamentals of learning what people want, understanding exactly where you can help them, and then telling the right people about it in the most persuasive way are timeless strategies that worked years ago and will work 1, years from now.
This chapter is about getting to know the right people — your dream buyers — who will benefit the most and pay you most for your products and services. Here are the nine essential questions to ask in the process of defining your ideal customer. Where does your dream buyer hang out and congregate? Name both online and offline places where your dream buyers hang out and congregate. The more detailed and specific, the better. Knowing exactly where your dream buyers are hanging out influences a lot of things including where you should advertise, what you should advertise, the tone of your copy, and vernacular to use.
Where does your dream buyer get their information? When your dream buyer is in research mode, where do they go to find the answers they seek? Is it Google? A particular blog?
What are their biggest frustrations and challenges? Truly understanding and empathising with their biggest frustrations and challenges are the most important keys to defining your dream buyer avatar. Whatever it is you are selling has to solve a problem large enough that your dream buyer will happily part with their hard-earned money for you to solve it for them. Knowing their biggest frustration and challenges also will determine the emotions you speak to in your copy and advertising.
There are a number of emotions behind the challenges and frustrations your dream buyer is experiencing — they could be sadness, anger, fear, remorse, hope, a desire for something better. It will also reflect the types of stories you tell.
The logic here is simple. When your dream buyer sees a testimonial from a customer who solved their biggest frustrations and challenges with your product or service, then they are more likely to buy from you. They can see this positive transformation take place in someone else. What are their hopes, dreams, and desires? Think of it as selling the dream and painting a picture of the Promised Land.
When your products or services help your dream buyer attain their hopes, dreams, and desires, it becomes much easier to write copy for your landing pages, website, ads, and other assets you leverage to sell more goods and services.
What are their biggest fears? What keeps them up at night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep? What do they worry about in their mind but never tell anyone? People are motivated more by pain than they are by pleasure. They are more motivated by fear of loss than they are by the desire to gain something.
Therefore, calling out their fears in your copy and ads is an incredibly important element to get your dream buyer to take action and motivate them to move away from what they fear most. A good example of fear used to motivate people into taking action is the approach used by insurance companies.
If you have a partner, would he or she be able to take care of the kids without your help? What is their preferred form of communication? Facebook Live? Or do they prefer physical mail? This is a matter of where your audience wants you to communicate with them.
The fundamental lesson here is to communicate with your customers where they already are. What phrases, exact language, and vernacular do they use? Your job is to listen and write them down. What industry terminology are they using, what specific vernacular and niche-specific terms?
When using The Halo Strategy to conduct research on where your buyers are hanging out and congregating, you must document the exact phrases and terminology they use and store them in a spreadsheet to spark ideas for website copy, landing pages, and ads.
Now more than ever, people are attracted to people and businesses who speak their language, get their sense of humour, or share the same point of view. It also becomes practical — when is the best time to email your prospects?
When are they most likely to respond? When are they most attentive? Your dream buyer is a completely different person at 8am on a Monday morning than at pm on a Friday. Be aware of this and use it in your marketing. What makes them happy? The customer journey is more than the exchange of money for goods and services. Your clients are emotional beings, and people want to interact with companies and brands that make them feel good about themselves. The End Result After answering all of these questions, write a paragraph summarising your findings.
Her biggest frustration being a mother of two is simply that there is not enough hours in the day to do everything. The end result is a much deeper, more intimate understanding of where and how to reach your dream buyers, and how to speak to them. The compounding result will cause massive breakthroughs that geometrically grow your business and allow you to dominate your market. Defining your target market is one of the hardest parts of starting a business.
The good news is that once you do it, everything else will quickly start falling into place. You just have to figure out which medium to use to effectively reach them, and which marketing strategies they respond to. Using The Halo Strategy, identify what they struggle with. Organise your findings. Create your dream buyer customer. With the insights gained in Phase 1, your next move is to create the most irresistible bait for your dream buyer. So many more people would be compelled to read your ad and get in touch with you for your free report, right?
Ads like this incentivise prospects, drawing them towards you with the promise of value and, importantly, no sales pitch. Now you have their attention, you can include information in your report that will move them up the pyramid more quickly. There not only needs to be perceived high value, but it must deliver on that promise. This is the very first exchange of value your prospect makes with your business. They receive the information you have on offer in exchange for providing their contact details.
The goal is to wow them with this experience. But first, to stop you from lighting your money on fire, this is what you absolutely must do immediately before creating a HVCO, setting up a website, landing page or running ads of any kind. In my business, we use this in everything we do to create goodwill in the marketplace.
Because when you deliver massive value to your prospects, you score a double whammy: First, your prospects thank you for the materials. Second, you position yourself as the trusted expert. We will look at this again later, but for now, remember this rule: The temperature of your marketing message must match the temperature of your traffic. Let me tell you a little story Imagine you do a promotion, you run an ad, and you generate some leads and then some sales But then you go to your mailbox and you open it and find handwritten letters And you do, and over time it generates three million leads for you and millions of customers.
Guess what? This actually happened! This sales and marketing methodology was conceived in by a man named Louis Engel. Engel was a frustrated editor from Jacksonville, Florida. He graduated with a degree in philosophy, had a few jobs, and bounced around a bit as an editor for several organisations. He wrote an ad and they were scared to death of it — it was 6, words long and filled an entire full page with tiny six or eight point type!
But they agreed to test it in a small regional newspaper, and in its first week it pulled in 5, leads. And this was in , so in order to respond, readers had to clip out some stuff, write their name and details on it, and actually physically post back their information. Well, the first thing I want you to know is that you can use this strategy for all types of media — on a website or landing page, blog posts, email, Facebook ads, or Google ads. Naturally, anyone reading anything these days is sceptical, especially online.
Not only did it address reader scepticism but also educated the reader by providing value well in advance of ever asking for the sale or anything in return. We want the reader to take action and do something — and look how masterfully they did exactly that!
This whole approach worked incredibly well and helped make Merrill Lynch a household name far beyond Wall Street. Now at this stage you might be thinking, yeah this all sounds great Sabri… But no one reads all that copy these days. English summary: In the history of science, language and image appear interwoven and in a constant interaction. Images and pictures, however, were always suspected of distorting the truth by their suggestive power, and their role in building up knowledge was and still is controversial.
In addition, the concept of image is often associated with signs, symbols or metaphors, and this tends to mask its conceptual independence and uniqueness. All of this makes an assessment of the relevance of images in the scientific process a difficult undertaking. The use of pictures is indispensable, but also needs to be controlled. In this book, the authors analyze the role of images in science, in communication, reasoning, the visualization of information and deal with issues of mental image processing and generation.
When you use LinkedIn to market your business, you gain access to useful features related to analytics, connections, and brand-building, just to name a few. Don't worry, we'll review all of these in-depth momentarily. When it comes to social media marketing, you may be tempted to put all your resources toward the big three: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Those are great platforms for reaching your target audience, but excluding LinkedIn is doing your business a huge disservice.
LinkedIn launched in with a focus on networking, building careers, and sharing ideas. The platform enables its members to connect and share content with other professionals including colleagues, potential employers, business partners, competitors, new employees, and customers. This is why having your business on LinkedIn is so powerful — the platform is a fantastic marketing tool. LinkedIn allows you to drive traffic to your website, identify quality leads, share your expertise through thought-leadership content, and grow your network.
It's also a great way to market job openings and attract new talent to your company. These are just some of the reasons why LinkedIn is an ideal platform for all businesses to market on. Here are a few more tactical ways you can incorporate LinkedIn into your social media content strategy. Hashtags are often used to add emphasis to your LinkedIn post, but they actually serve a purpose that can change your marketing strategy for the better.
These simple phrases preceded by a hashtag symbol are goldmines for tapping into new audiences, industries, and niches. But using too many, or worse — the wrong ones, can hinder your reach. That means you'll want to strike a balance between relevant and popular hashtags by doing hashtag research on LinkedIn. Use the search bar to query a broad hashtag first. For example, if you work in growth marketing, start by searching growthmarketing to see how many people are following the hashtag, and how often it is being used.
From here, start with three to five hashtags that reach the audiences you want to speak to. These hashtags should vary in the number of people following them, so don't get too fixated on high numbers. Related but lesser-known hashtags can narrow your reach to an audience who would be likely to engage with your LinkedIn content.
Image Source. LinkedIn Pages are able to be followed without sending a connection and waiting for approval. That means when a LinkedIn user shares your Page with their connections, those individuals will be able to follow your page and see your business' content right away which has the potential for high engagement.
Pages are public and used primarily by businesses. Profiles are private and used by individuals. Each of them works with the LinkedIn algorithm, but you'll have different tools that you can leverage to grow your audience. LinkedIn Profiles can be followed as well, but what makes them unique is the ability to have one-on-one, private conversations with connections who request to join your network. If you're a consultant, work in direct sales, or prefer to take an individualized approach to your business, you'll want to have a LinkedIn Profile to capitalize on this feature.
Both of these LinkedIn entities can work in tandem to create the ultimate marketing workflow. For example, you can list yourself as an employee of your business by listing your business' LinkedIn Page as your employer on your personal Profile. That way, when a visitor lands on your Profile, they'll see your Page, too. Quick, bold posts pack a punch on LinkedIn. Long-form stories capture the readers' attention and lead to a longer dwell time on the app.
Both of these types of posts should have a place in your LinkedIn content plan. You don't want to become known as the person who only shares monologues because your network won't always have time to read them.
Along the same lines, too many short posts can come across as lacking substance which could make you seem less authoritative as a thought leader. Varying the length of your posts as well as adding images and videos can keep your content fresh and relevant to your network.
You'll have content that gets people excited to see what gems you drop next. Unlike other platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn's algorithm supports external links to blogs and websites. So long as the content you post has value and is relevant to your audience, you'll find success posting other people's content on the platform. Although you don't have to worry about formally crediting the author if you're linking directly to their website, it's not a bad idea to tag them in your post or use their hashtag to give credit.
Sometimes, they'll share your post with their own followers, or comment under the post which introduces your Profile to their audience. How cool is that? Known as the platform for having one of the longest content lifespans , LinkedIn is a platform that doesn't need a 'round-the-clock publishing schedule. What it does need is a consistent one.
Whether you publish every day, every other day, or even once a week, your network will come to expect your content regularly which builds trust. Choose a schedule that makes sense for your business and stick to it for a month. See what days and times are yielding the best engagement and make those part of your publishing schedule. Below, we'll cover some effective ways to use the LinkedIn platform.
These tips can be tailored to your needs — whether you have a personal LinkedIn page , business page , or both — no matter your industry or size. However, you'll notice some of the points we're going to cover are more suited for businesses looking to boost brand awareness or share content while others are more tailored towards those looking to recruit and hire new talent. Instead of a URL with confusing numbers at the end, it will look nice and clean like this:.
Here you can change your URL to anything you'd like — such as your first and last name or business name — assuming it hasn't already been taken by another LinkedIn user. Give your LinkedIn Profile a little bit more personality by adding an on-brand background photo. Although one is automatically provided to you, you can update it to showcase your personal brand, special interests, or catch the eyes of hiring managers and recruiters.
You can edit and reorder sections of your LinkedIn Profile to highlight specific pieces of information in any way you see fit. When you're in edit mode, simply hover your mouse over the double-sided arrow in each section.
Your mouse will turn into a four-arrow icon, at which point you can click, drag, and drop to another position on your Profile. Search engine optimization SEO isn't limited to blogging — you can also optimize your Profile to get discovered by people searching LinkedIn for key terms you want to be found for.
You can add these keywords to various sections of your Profile, such as your headline, your summary, or your work experience. Download a free SEO starter pack to learn everything you need to know about optimizing your business' content.
This service matches contractors with project managers who are seeking help. Freelancers can display a ProFinder badge on their Profiles to show prospective clients their skills, expertise, and recommendations. You can add portfolio links and social networks to your LinkedIn page.
Links to your content and business information can also be added to your Profile to increase clicks. This feature allows you to draw greater attention to specific areas of your page to drive traffic elsewhere. For example, if you produced a podcast, you can share links to your episodes on LinkedIn e. SoundCloud tracks to promote your work.
Check this feed periodically for a quick snapshot of what your connections, customers, competitors, and others are up to and sharing. You can also share updates of your own, such as details about your products or services and noteworthy content your business has created and published. You may choose to sign up for email notifications or sort by "Top Updates" and "Recent Updates" to filter your feed in any way you choose.
Your LinkedIn connections should recognize your Profile the moment they look at it. A great way to make your Profile easily identifiable is by ensuring your Profile's name, headline, and other simple identifiers are easy to see.
Note: You should always have your Public Profile setting enabled as well, to be visible and identifiable for your audience. Learn a little about your audience members, potential leads, and customers who are viewing your Profile and marketing content that you're sharing on LinkedIn.