Notice that the default Drupal widget is automatically removed see the difference between Image 3 and Image 4.
Go ahead and replace the original uploaded file with a new file with a different filename. Even if your new file has a new file name, Drupal will store the new file whilst retaining the filename of the original file. Note that the filename is the same as that noted from Step 2. If you click on the new uploaded file even after doing a refresh in the browser, you may still see the old content of the original file.
You must do a hard refresh in your browser to see the contents of the newly uploaded file. This module allows editors to replace files at the file entity level by overwriting the existing files. You should use this module if you want to allow content editors to replace file entities whilst keeping exactly the same filename and path as the original file. It is useful in cases where existing files in Drupal need to be updated occasionally.
There is one extra manual step that you must do. You can manually type the following URL into the browser:. For example, if the fid was 6, then you would go to:. This is not ideal. We will show you how to link to the page from the default Drupal Files overview page.
The outcome we are trying to achieve is shown in Image See Image 9 below. See Image In other words, if you replace a file and do nothing, end users will see the new file content after two weeks unless they locally do a hard refresh. This is the job of your webserver. Drupal does not retain filenames for uploaded files that are replaced or overwritten.
Protect Image. Protect Media. Protect PDF. Protect Site. Protect Video Protect Web. Secure Image. Book Design.
Book Store. Contact Us. Site Map. This module enables the upload and insertion of encrypted CopySafe Video files into Drupal posts and pages from the Drupal page editor.
Without this module adding HTML to activate a browser plugin would be an arduous task, even for experienced web developers. But that task has been greatly simplified. Simply upload the protected video file that was created by the CopySafe Video Encoder, nominate the protection settings to use, then copy'n'paste the generated shortcode to where you want the video to appear.
Your protection settings can be modified at any time by simply editing the shortcode in HTML view. Copy protect video files displayed online. Safe from PrintScreen and all screen capture software.
Videos cannot be retrieved from browser cache. Domain-locked videos cannot be displayed elsewhere. Videos stored on the server are safe from webmasters. Open the module or theme project page on drupal. Uploading the files to your site and unpacking them. Your modules directory might look like this: If you are replacing an existing module or theme with an updated version, put the site into maintenance mode.
See Section If you are replacing an existing module or theme with an updated version, find and delete all the existing files and directories for the existing module or theme. Modules are normally located in directories under the top-level modules directory, and themes are normally located in directories under the top-level themes directory.
Upload the. Place it in either the same location from which you deleted the directory if replacing an existing module or theme or the appropriate subdirectory of modules or themes if adding a new module or theme. Refer to Section Start at the step after the automatic download has been completed. Expand your understanding.
If you work with multiple environments for example, a local development site and a production site you will have to repeat the steps on each environment, or re-clone the environment. Additional resources.