Fangoria archive download 211

Fangoria - Spock [O'Quinn. Fangoria - Saturn 3 [O'Quinn. Fangoria Fangoria c2c A sir sprout scan S. Fangoria c2c Scanners scan by liabach S. Fangoria c2c Friday13thP2 scan by sprout-bones missing pages S. Fangoria c2c Halloween 2 scan by BannanaSloth S. Fangoria Christine scan by SeveredSprout S c2c. Fangoria Apr Ozzy Osbourne Tranzor c2c.

Fangoria Nagus Joined Poster Fix incl c2c. Fangoria Nagus c2c. Fangoria Dracula HQS c2c. Fangoria c2c wolf hqs. Fangoria c2c brainscan hqs. Fangoria Necronomicon HQS c2c. Fangoria Frankenstein HQS c2c.

Fangoria Species HQS c2c. Fangoria Screamers HQS c2c. Fangoria Tremors 2 HQS c2c. Fangoria Wishmaster HQS c2c. Fangoria Species 2 HQS c2c. Fangoria Godzilla usa HQS c2c. Fangoria Virus HQS c2c. Fangoria Phantasm 4 HQS c2c. Fangoria Wishmaster 2 HQS c2c. Fangoria Candyman day of the dead HQS c2c.

Fangoria Scream 3 HQS c2c. Fangoria Godzilla HQS c2c. Fangoria house of corpses c2c hqs. Fangoria HQS c2c. Fangoria Ring HQS c2c. Fangoria c2c scan by sproutcore S. Fangoria halloween resurrection c2c hqs badcover. Fangoria gothika november c2c b hqs.

Covers were important enough to sales that sometimes they would be designed first; authors would then be shown the cover art and asked to write a story to match. Later pulps began to feature interior illustrations, depicting elements of the stories.

The drawings were printed in black ink on the same cream-colored paper used for the text, and had to use specific techniques to avoid blotting on the coarse texture of the cheap pulp. Thus, fine lines and heavy detail were usually not an option. Shading was by crosshatching or pointillism, and even that had to be limited and coarse. Usually the art was black lines on the paper's background, but Finlay and a few others did some work that was primarily white lines against large dark areas.

Another way pulps kept costs down was by paying authors less than other markets; thus many eminent authors started out in the pulps before they were successful enough to sell to better-paying markets, and similarly, well-known authors whose careers were slumping or who wanted a few quick dollars could bolster their income with sales to pulps. Additionally, some of the earlier pulps solicited stories from amateurs who were quite happy to see their words in print and could thus be paid token amounts.

There were also career pulp writers, capable of turning out huge amounts of prose on a steady basis, often with the aid of dictation to stenographers, machines or typists. Before he became a novelist, Upton Sinclair was turning out at least 8, words per day seven days a week for the pulps, keeping two stenographers fully employed. Pulps would often have their authors use multiple pen names so that they could use multiple stories by the same person in one issue, or use a given author's stories in three or more successive issues, while still appearing to have varied content.

One advantage pulps provided to authors was that they paid upon acceptance for material instead of on publication; since a story might be accepted months or even years before publication, to a working writer this was a crucial difference in cash flow. Some pulp editors became known for cultivating good fiction and interesting features in their magazines. Many issues of this collection come from a variety of anonymous contributors, as well as sites such as The Pulp Magazines Project and ThePulp.

More exploitation-oriented magazines are in the Trash Pulp collection. Total Views 11,, Older Stats. Total Items 13, Older Stats. Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo.

Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip.

Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. Media Type Media Type. Year Year. Collection Collection. Creator Creator. Language Language. For Men Only v06n02 []. Cover artwork by Mort Kunstler.

This is a rather poor scan of a very rare pulp - some text is missing due to damaged pages. Though a second issue was planned and advertised , no more issues were published after the first one. Fantastic Story v04n03 Best Books Nov Topics: temple, lee, farge, lefty, eyes, kansas, huat, rocossen, fantastic, fantastic story, story Famous Fantastic Mysteries v11n03 02 unz.

Robert W. Lowndes Columbia Publications, Inc. Topics: Famous Detective Stories, pulp, magazine, crime, Famous Monsters Of Filmland Fearbook. Alternate scan. Summarized digitization of French Night Life Stories; missing most pages.

Topics: trask, sue, heloise, chavaux, sex, victoire, breasts, terry, terry trask, jarvis, sue chavaux, jeff Famous Monsters Of Filmland Yearbook. Hornig Topics: Future Fiction, science fiction, pulp, Five-Novels Monthly [v26 2, May ] ed. McChesney Dell Publishing Co. Fungi From Yuggoth - H. Most of the sonnets were written between 27 December — 4 January ; thereafter individual sonnets appeared in Weird Tales and other genre magazines.

The sequence was published complete in Beyond The Wall Of Topics: Fantasy, Horror, Fanzines, H. Lovecraft, Fungi From Yuggoth. Famous Monsters Of Filmland []. Cox, Jr. Topics: Fantastic Universe, pulp, fiction, digest, sf, science fiction, Kornbluth and Robert A. Lowndes and Frederik Pohl [as by S. Topics: Future, pulp, fiction, sf, science fiction, Famous Monsters of Filmland Teachbug Alhazred. Fantastic Universe v03n02 []. Famous Fantastic Mysteries v10n01 10 unz.

Favorite Westerns Of Filmland 02 v01n02 []. Cover by Jack Davis. Alternate single-page scan. Fantastic Universe v08n04 []. Giger, Ron Fantastic Adventures v09n05 Ziff-Davis Sep cape Topics: jones, elena, starbrook, adventures, rick, lippert, fantastic, tomb, walt, fantastic adventures, Fantastic Universe v11n03 - - King-Size Topics: hawley, meekle, armstrong, universe, fantastic, luanne, rose, miranda, talix, fantastic universe, Fantastic Universe v03n01 [].


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